Monday, June 25, 2012

SGCI New Orleans

Kasey Kesner

I realize that the SGCI conference was almost 3 months ago, so it's high time I put up some of the work I saw there. Most of these images were taken during the Open Portfolio where members pay a few dollars to reserve a table to display their work. There were 4 Open Portfolio sessions that were an hour long each. I participated as well so I have to thank my girlfriend, Kris, for taking some photos while I was busy.

There are a few other images of work from shows that we went to while in town. I will make every effort to credit each artist and link to a website if I have the information.

Leah Gay

Leah Gay

Mary Jane Parker

Tony Fitzpatrick

?? - Not sure. If I find the artists I will update.

Billy Hassel

Amanda Keating

Amanda Keating

Clif Riley

Thomas Ries

Julie McLaughlin

Not sure again...

Nate Kamp

Cassie White

Janie Stamm

Ben Moreau

Zach Schnock

Michael Litzau

Michael Litzau, again. Awesome work.

Kevin O?

Matthew Asselt

Emma Ringness

Many, many more posts are on the way...

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This work by Daniel Stromberg is licensed under a Creative Commons
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